Transportation options

The options available to today’s transportation are limited.  Electric motors are making a comeback after a hundred-year absence.  Maglev technology is being implemented in China.  As computer technology advances, the world needs a significant change in transportation.

Electric cars and the futility of automobile centric growth

The current social trend in transportation is electric and autonomous cars.  The trend towards autonomous cars is driven by the computer industry.  This new computer technology has very little to do with advances of transportation modes and continues the unsustainability of automobiles within urban growth.  

While it is true that electric cars use more efficient motors than gasoline and diesel engines, the unsustainable nature of road beds and traffic jams is unchanged.  Autonomous cars further remove the necessity of human existence.  Rabbits, cats and dogs could be used as chauffeurs but, the unsustainability of cars still remains.  The internal combustion motor is not efficient but, the friction involved in an automobile is beyond comprehension as to why it even exists today as the primary source of transportation.  Am I cynical to make the assumption that the existence of the automobile is predominantly due to the money involved and politics? 

Maglev Technology

Speaking of politics being involved with the exorbitant expense of large-scale urban public transportation systems, magnetic levitation train systems have been completed and operating in only one country.  Communism doesn’t have the freedom of an adversary political party.  China is now building its fifth maglev train system; the USA has none. 

The leader in efficient transportation technology is Magnetic Levitation.  This technology isn’t available for the automobile industry.

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The Ameliorate Journey Course goes into detail; identifying transportation options to be implemented for urban growth.